Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What’s The Good Word?

The Good Word Media is a global, non profit multi-media publication with advertisers in 30 countries. THE GOOD WORD is one man’s attempt to make a difference in the world.  I believe there is enough misery in the world, and our  minds need a breath of fresh air.  If you like what you see, please share with a friend.  If you are looking for a new career direction in life, please contact Steve Schappert.   Learn more at http://TheGoodWord.Me

Friday, February 17, 2012

Green Business Expands in CT and across the Globe. Great article in The Bristol Observer today about The Green Marketing Company of Brookfield! A com

Green Business Expands in CT and across the Globe.
Great article in The Bristol Observer today about The Green Marketing Company of Brookfield!

A company that is concerned with helping other companies do well, is headed to Bristol, with its dual business model of marketing and energy efficiency. Steve Schappert is no stranger to everything “green.” He has an extensive background in energy efficiency, and knowledge of
making green profitable. Schappert has been a contractor, an energy builder, a broker, and has been recognized across the country Great article in The Bristol Observer today about The BIOS Organization, The Watercar and The Green Marketing Company!

He has been on the segment “Going Green” on NBC, has been a guest speaker around the country, and has had $1.3 billion worth of projects underway, just before the market crashed
in 2008. He had no life savings, no health insurance, and a building, The BIOS Center, that was in the middle of construction. Get the full story below

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Green Marketing Company

The Green Marketing Company
We specialize in creating caring, passionate, affordable marketing campaigns that nurture your customers and help you business grow. The best news is we start working for free. Contact us today for a free consultation and $100 GOOGLE advertising just for saying hello. Thanks! http://TheGreenMarketingCompany.com

Monday, June 15, 2009

I submitted an entry to National Geographic "The Green Effect" contest for the BIOS concept, and I feel I have a strong chance to win. Could u sign in below, leave a comment and rate it 5 stars? This would be a big help, Also if u could forward this to other environmentally conscious people that would be great.SunChips and National Geographic have joined forces to create the Green Effect, an eco-initiative that moves individuals to spark a green movement in their communities. Green Effect asked Americans to submit original, Earth-saving ideas.Now we need your help to rate the ideas.
On July 7, 2009, we will reveal our ten finalists and allow YOU to begin voting for your favorite idea. Your votes will determine one of the winners, and a panel of esteemed judges will select four others. Each winner will be awarded a $20,000 grant and the opportunity to share their projects with environmental leaders in Washington, D.C. They will also be profiled in National Geographic magazine.SIGN IN TO RATE THIS PLAN, LEAVE A COMMENT AND GET A FREE LINK ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIChttp://greeneffect.nationalgeographic.com/idea/2922/ THE BIOS CONCEPT AS SUBMITTED TO NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC:I would develop an education service to educate the community and the world about the power of conservation, cogeneration and alternative energy. Free Energy audits will be provided for homes and commercial buildings to check viability to use co-generation of power. Conservation and Cogeneration can lower power usage by 85%, saving money and energy reducing our carbon foot print and reliance on fossil fuels.

I would start with my town hall and public buildings, saving the schools on energy costs would allow them to increase the budget specifically dedicated to children. This small step will expand globally as I create a social business enterprise our sales reps and customers will be the owners. I believe that doing the right thing is the priority of the organization, the end result of helping people, saving the planet and boosting the economy is exceptional profits that can fund other socially responsible projects, and generate tremendous publicity.

As the organization grows, manufacturing plants will be opened worldwide to provide low-cost, local building materials from recycled medical waste, plastic and metal. The technology is currently available and the new framing is one fourth the weight of steel and ten times stronger. The primary product lines would be affordable housing and medical properties.

$20,000 would be used to develop and promote educational programs through low to no cost PR that would initially promote conservation and co-generation of energy… I offer the concept to the world with faith and conviction that the right people will come forward. SIGN IN TO RATE THIS PLAN, LEAVE A COMMENT AND GET A FREE LINK ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIChttp://greeneffect.nationalgeographic.com/idea/2922/16 commentseliseklein June 10, 2009, 02:14PMFantastic ideas. Very thorough.
JenniferLL1966 June 11, 2009, 12:33PMThis proposal promotes hope for a suffering economy and environment. We must be responsible for our wastes and find ways to reuse and recycle that is affordable. The essential ingredient is keeping it low cost. Ideas presented here seem to address these needs along with educating the public on options that can be made available to them.
stephenschappert June 11, 2009, 12:57PMThe grammar is a bit rough due to last minute rewrite with 250 word limitation. Hopefully the idea still comes through
facethemusic3 June 11, 2009, 03:23PMI pray that more of the world will WAKE UP and climb aboard. This is exactly the direction we should be going in! Good Luck ! I give this idea 5 stars.
suzee June 11, 2009, 03:58PMgreat concept, education and awareness is truly the only way that significant change will occur
kchiras June 11, 2009, 04:02PMThis is a great idea that will help nudge the peoples of the world a little further along in the direction they MUST go.
paulaburns June 11, 2009, 04:37PMTaking responsibility for the waste we (all) produce by taking steps to 'reduce, reuse & recycle' simply needs to be our way of life in order to have a sustainable planet for future generations. I am interested and impressed with the idea of using waste - waste that would otherwise be filing up landfills and potentially contaminating the soil and water supplies - to create a product that has the potential to benefit so many, on so many levels. This is the type of thinking I support. This is the type of life I want to lead. This is the type of business I support. It offers it all: energy independence, reusing waste, creating jobs, lowering costs, working together to bring about positive change... I give this submission five stars. Good luck.
mggrew June 11, 2009, 05:12PMSteve: Noble idea. Great idea to start with town buildings and schools where fuel costs directly affect property taxes and so diminish the funds for education. I gave it 5 stars. Hope you will get the resources to fulfill this goal. Milton Gregory "Greg" Grew, AIA, Architect Grew Design, Inc. Woodbury, CT www.GrewDesign.com
JenniferLL1966 June 12, 2009, 07:02AMI failed to rate this proposal. This is no doubt 5 stars!
trishial1968 June 12, 2009, 01:48PMI have been a huge supporter of this concept since Steve began his crusade. I believe if there is change to be made, we all must accept the responsiblity and take the first step. This would be a HUGE step in making our world and even better our children and grandchildren's world better! I hope everyone will lend their support!
Dawn1712 June 12, 2009, 09:15PMI give this submission 5 stars! Great concept, this is definitely the way we all should be thinking today. Big changes need to be made, your plan is thought through exceptionally well. I hope you get the resources to fufill this goal and dream that you have. Steve, I wish you the best of luck!
asstchiefgpjr1 June 13, 2009, 01:08PMsounds very promising getting it started appears to require a bit of b acking this ius the time since the president is pushing this concept
billys1931 June 13, 2009, 01:59PMA well conceived, well thought out and worthwhile endeavor. This has been Steve's idea for several years and I'm glad he's out getting the message across. Getting started with municipal projects looks like the way to go ...gives people something to touch, feel, look at and see the benefits. Rate it 5 stars
PrincessPegi June 13, 2009, 02:37PMThis plan sounds FANTASTIC!! This plan gets 5 stars!! Steve, I wish you the best of luck!! Peggy SIGN IN TO RATE THIS PLAN, LEAVE A COMMENT AND GET A FREE LINK ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIChttp://greeneffect.nationalgeographic.com/idea/2922/
steve1964 June 15, 2009, 12:45PMOur Mission: Create a better world for our children by helping people, saving the environment, and boosting the economy. We strive to strike a balance between man and nature and long term financial goals with short term cash flow requirements. Give a man a loaf of bread, he eats for the day, teach him to fish, he feeds himself for a lifetime. We will teach him to harvest fish to feed many for seven generations. We will teach landlords that donating vacant space to woman’s centers for shelters is not just the right thing to do but the tax credit is good for their bottom line.

CEO, Steve Schappert says, "There are no delusions, it is a lifetime of work for many people. A lifetime dedicated to leaving the world a better place for the next seven generations. It's about people caring enough to get involved, roll up their sleeves and taking ownership in a cause that is more than just building and selling homes. It's our present, our future and the dreams of many.

The concept of cleaner, healthier living, promoted by building affordable, energy independent home building is just the beginning. "BIOS" is life, pure and simple. "BIOS" is about teaching people to do well, by doing good! The "BIOS" concept in its most basic form is powerful enough to bring about a fundamental change through out the world that can save the environment and boost the economy.

Today I am one step closer to ensuring my children have a better life because of my actions. I also understand that for all this to work I need help from people much smarter than myself, in turn they will attract people smarter than themselves, and together we will change the world. SIGN IN TO RATE THIS PLAN, LEAVE A COMMENT AND GET A FREE LINK ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIChttp://greeneffect.nationalgeographic.com/idea/2922/

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

BIOS Theme Song...first draft
A challenge thrown down by environmental Entrepreneur Mr. Steve Schappert. He invited us all to do something to help pull us all together to save the planet. I though "what could I do" Steve challenged Ebony and I to write a song. Here it is. Much blessings to all. - Joe Torcicollo

Im one, But Im not alone here. We Two can make a change. Each one, reach out and teach one. Gotta fix this mess that we all made. We're moving way to fast, how much more can this all last. We got it get it together so we can live forever.

Can we do it....yeah Can we do it...yeahCan we do it...yeah

Been Rockin on million years or more, we wanna rock one million more.

Been rockin one million years or more, we wanna rock one million more

Its timeWe all come together, Growing from one voice. Into millions strongEach one can make a difference. We're getting on the right track, Keep on moving along, been living way to tough.The earth has suffered enough


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Environmental Ethics

In the year 2008, the need for politicians to address Environmental Ethical issues is needed more than ever. The age of Christianity ruling over the salvation of our planet needs to come to an end. It is time for every human on planet earth to step up and do their part to save what is left of Mother Nature’s gifts. Environmental Ethics were introduced in the 1970’s. In the past thirty years researchers began to assess the environment and question the relationship between humans and the environment. This clearly reflects that we will soon be faced with an environmental crisis. When Environmental Ethics were first introduced it challenged the concept of anthropocentrism, a human centered world. Environmental Ethics questioned the superiority of human beings to members of other species and it opened the door to assigning value to the natural environment (Brennan, 2008) There were a number of works and articles that drew a lot of attention in the 1960’s in reference to Environmental Ethics. One essay published in the New Yorker magazine in 1963 by Rachel Carson addressed pesticides used to grow crops, such as DDT, aldrin and deildrin. In 1967 historian Lynn White Jr. published an essay that argues that Judeo- Christian thinking was the root of the environmental crisis. Lynn White felt that Judeo-Christians encouraged overexploitation of nature and maintained superiority of humans over all things (Brennan, 2008). Christian Fundamentalist use the bible as their endorsement by taking certain passages to a literal sense. For instance, the book of Genesis reads “man should fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth” (Gen.1:28). Christian Fundamentalist uses these passages as their approval to “view nature as a God given resource for unlimited human use”. According to E. Calvin Beisner who is a fundamentalist economist, putting the earth before humans’ needs would mean we were guilty of “idolatry of nature (Beisner, 1990)” (Maltby, P. PG 120). Dominionism means the responsibility of Christians to subject the spheres of everyday life and all institutions to the rule of God’s laws, thus securing the conditions for Christ’s returns (Maltby, P. PG 120). Therefore Christians think they have a divine right to subdue the earth and to have power over nature. The New Testament of the Bible refers to the Apocalypse and the Rapture as prophecy. Rapture is believed to be the salvation when Christ returns, which is why Christians see no need for conservation, they feel it is irrelevant.. The thought is that there is no need to conserve the planet as it will be destroyed upon the return of Christ. Christians don’t see or feel the need to care about an ecological crisis when they are to be rescued by the Rapture. Calvin E. Beisner, who is a professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Covenant College, Georgia, stated “global warming is indeed an expression of God’s will” (quoted in Moyers 2006). Christians and fundamentalist economists believe that climate change and environmental crisis are no indication that we have been exercising irresponsible social practices but that it is God’s punishment for human sin. ( this is compared to Noah and the flood) ( Maltby, P. PG 122). I feel that this relates to the philosophy "For moral judgment to be reliable, all significant consequences must be identified (Ruggiero, PG 119), as Christians and fundamentalist economists have not done there research or put aside their ignorance long enough to see what the true damage is to our environment and our children’s future. Today there is an extreme urgency to gain the public’s attention toward the ecological crisis that is in store for everyone. Now with the “credit crunch”, “declining housing market” and the economy on the verge of recession, there is question whether companies in general will keep up with the “Green” twist that so many companies had marketed towards in recent years. Retailers are trying to find the balance between “greener retailing” and “leaner retailing” during this depressed economic time. Many large retailers had announced long term plans to be environmentally responsible but they are afraid that consumers will decide they can no longer afford to purchase green products. The bigger concern that Lionie Smith, director of the brand consultancy Wanda, addresses is that retailers will reflect green veneer on the front but not follow through with what is going on behind the scenes. Companies are struggling to meet profit margins and there are concerns that the advertised Green companies will cut corners on their products or product packaging in order to reduce green products pricing to consumers (Roberts. 2008). This reflects back to the philosophy “ the end does not justify the means” in which you cannot do whatever it takes to get green products or concepts to sell, you have to do what is ethically and morally correct throughout the whole process (Ruggiero, PG 121). There are companies who realize that not only can we do good by saving our environment and changing our lives to live in harmony with nature, but that you can also boost the economy and make money as well. I had the privilege to work with Steve Schappert of Connecticut Real Estate and Construction LLC. on his construction of the Bios Building Technology Center. The Bios Building Technology Center will include, panelized home packaging, real estate and finance services, alternative energy resources and an ecological art gallery. Steve Schappert has taken the stance that he wants to change the way the world constructs homes from this point forward and that includes energy efficient, durable homes and alternative energy sources. Since the homes he constructs are 25% less than a standard stick built home of a similar size, this leaves room for a profit margin instead of the standard shrinking profit margin during this economic recession and he even can you show how to gain rebates on the alternative heating, cooling, electrical, and energy efficient products. Steve Schappert’s vision ( no longer a vision, he started construction in 2008) includes eco friendly products that will save the consumer money for the initial construction, save money during the life time of the home on energy resources and save natures resources. (Panelized Building Systems LLC, 2008). Not only would this save money for consumers this could quite possibly boost the economy by breaking the housing crisis, creating more affordable homes instead of overpriced ones and includes saving the environment. It is time for every human on planet earth to step up and do their part to save what is left of Mother Nature’s gifts. We all have an ethical environmental responsibility to take care of our planet, our natural resources and protect the living creatures that co exist with humans. A political leader or a leader of the new ecological era needs to take a stand to educate everyone as to what should be done now to prevent further damage to earth as humans know it. Environmental Ethics Sherry L. Creighton Sr. Loan Originator Flagstar Bank 100 Mill Plain Road Danbury, CT 06811 Ph 203-791-8105 FX 203-794-1724 Cell 203-948-8209 References Paul Maltby (2008). FUNDAMENTALIST DOMINION, POSTMODERN ECOLOGY. Ethics and the Environment, 13(2), 119-141. Retrieved November 10, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1589453681 Ruggiero, Vincent R. (2008). Thinking critically about ethical issues. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Green Retailing: Green futures? Jo Roberts. In- Store. London: Sep 4, 2008. P. 27 Global Climate Change:? A more complex issue’. Beth L. Jokinen. McClatchy- Tribune Business News. Washington: Jun 15, 2008. Environmental Ethics. First published Mon Jun 3, 2002; substantive revision Thu Jan 3, 2008 The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2003 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-environmental/

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now Is The Time For A New Energy Revolution

It is time for an energy revolution, and we must work together to change the world now. There is a crisis at hand that will effect the entire planet, in short order, it will endanger our very survival and the future of our children. It endangers our economy right now. We send our children overseas to protect oil reserves in foreign lands so those lands can hold us hostage for a gallon of gas. It is not right. We have the ability to become self sufficient, we must become self sufficient NOW!

It is time to take a stand, we don’t have 25 years for our automakers to catch up to China’s auto emission standards, that’s a joke! China does it today, we need to do it today. We need to start now, we need to change now, solar, wind, and hydro power are all clean and renewable and hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, we will never run out. Hydrogen powered fuel cells… great idea! Those are the answers, fossil fuel is going the way of the dinosaur and we will follow if we don’t wake up today. Nuclear… well if the plant doesn’t blow up, you still have all those barrels of waste to deal with. Burying the barrels to create another terrorist target, honestly is that really an answer we can live with? Ethanol, just another joke, either our farmlands are over taxed producing corn ethanol or we strip our topsoil everywhere by creating a market for cellulosic ethanol, either way, we loose. The biggest joke is the ethanol vehicles get roughly 27% less gas mileage than their all gas counterparts.

I challenge the world to work together to develop cold fusion without toxic waste. I challenge the world to put solar panels on every building with a sunny exposure. I challenge the world to develop safe hydrogen power systems and I challenge the governments to actually do the right thing!
I challenge everyone, everywhere to do one thing each day, spend some time alone and come up with a plan, a plan that may seem inconsequential, however when combined with everyone else, the tide will turn. Things have to turn and it won’t happen by itself, we have to make it change now!

Does anyone remember the 1984 Honda civic coupe, it got 67 miles to the gallon without a hybrid engine. It wasn’t rocket science, the cars were simply lighter. Gas is approaching five dollars a gallon and Detroit is re-launching their old line of heavy muscle cars, frankly they deserve to go bankrupt. The Prius is the flagship of the energy revolution and the Ford Escape hybrid is an SUV that gets 36 miles to the gallon. Why do we only have two, shame on us, for not screaming from the roof tops, “we want energy efficient vehicles and homes without oil tanks”!

Frustrated? Worried it just doesn’t matter? It does matter and the only thing that has ever changed the world started with a small group of thoughtful committed people. People that understand that the only way you ever receive anything worth having, is by giving of yourself first. Don’t stand there holding your hand out, lend a hand, believe in yourself, believe in the cause, believe you can make a difference and tell one other person.

There really are only two valid choices left, step up and be the change you want to see, or just get out of the way. Standing still with business as usual is no longer an option. I am stepping up as a leader in this new energy revolution, and I am looking for a few good, committed people that believe you can change the world to work with me, not for me, with me. I am not the smartest or most successful person you will ever meet, I am not an angel, I have had plenty of mistakes to learn from and quite a few near death experiences to convince me I am here for a reason. I am man enough to stand up for what I know is right. No matter how many times I get knocked down I get back up again and try harder and smarter. I won’t let pride get in the way of admitting I am wrong. So there you have it, I am human, the most important part is I am going to try, and keep trying I need the help of people much smarter than myself. I have no doubt they will appear, this week.
Sign in to the New Energy Revolution BLOG and let us know how you feel http://thenewenergyrevolution.blogspot.com/
Send this story to all of your friends.

Steve Schappert
CEO, Connecticut Real Estate and Construction LLC.
Office: 203-546-8127
Cell: 203-994-3950
Fax: 203-413-6473
The BIOS Museum
Of Health & the Environment

Museum * Environmental Art Gallery * Conference Center
“ Leading the way in the new energy revolution”

Under construction at 72 Railroad Street New Milford, CT 06776
Featuring green building technologies, alternative energy,
holistic healthcare, environmental art gallery & organic products

The first Bios Center is now under construction at 72 Railroad Street in New Milford. The BIOS Center (TheBiosCenter.com) will serve as a Mecca that has already drawn interest from around the world with a unique array of offerings that can help people live lightly on the earth while bringing peace, prosperity, and balance to our planet.

The six pillars of our center will include an environmental art gallery and museum, healthy living center, green building technology center, eco- friendly retail shop, real estate and finance center, and the BIOS service network of green contractors. BIOS, is the Greek word for life. “BIOS is more than a brand it is a philosophy”, said founder, Steve Schappert, “You can do well, by doing good.” By showing the world they don’t have to make sacrifices to do the right thing, you can change lives and change the world.” A unique combination of technology, art and literature are being brought together by artists, health practitioners and business people to assist you in creating a healthier, happier and wealthier life. Our center provides an eco-friendly atmosphere for enlightened businesses to showcase their products, services and wares. Our mission is to nourish body, mind and spirit with healthy food; enriching educational activities; green living, holistic healthcare approaches, and conscious consumerism.

The house that Goji built. If you believe in Karma than it only makes sense that the main investor in the project would be one of the largest distributors of Himalayan Goji juice, touted as the world’s most nutrient rich food on the planet. Keith Mceachern is the largest distributor for Freelife International a multi level marketing company that sells the Goji juice and other nutritional products. The solid income earned from Goji allowed Keith to qualify for the construction loan when many other investors couldn’t. When I read the back of his card said Schappert, “I knew it was a fit, Keith’s personal motto is”, “To serve each other by promoting good health, well being and the opportunity for an abundant life.”

The Bios Center will offer five levels and 15,500 square feet of mixed-use real estate, with three residential units featuring breath-taking views and no heating, cooling and electrical costs. The building will utilize green construction technologies such as panelized construction, solar panels, cellulose and icynene insulation, Windows with low E-glass, fiber cement clapboard siding, hi efficiency heat pumps with SEER ratings ranging between 20-22 it may actually be the first solar-powered building in an historic district in the country.

Connecticut Real Estate and Construction the General Contractor for the project, anticipates rapid domestic and international growth. Owner Steve Schappert created the BIOS concept 4 years ago initially as a brand of energy efficient homes and shipped his first home package to Germany in January of this year. The Bios Center will help expand that brand name around the world as a leader in the sustainable market. Schappert is now dealing with contacts in Germany, Bulgaria, Australia and Moscow.

Schappert says, “It is time to take a stand, we don’t have 25 years for our automakers to catch up to China’s auto emission standards, that’s a joke! We need to start now, we need to change now, solar, wind, and hydro power are all clean and renewable and hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, we will never run out. Those are the answers, fossil fuel is going the way of the dinosaur and we will follow if we don’t wake up today. Nuclear… well if the plant doesn’t blow up, you still have all those barrels of waste to deal with. Ethanol, just another joke, either our farmlands are over taxed producing corn ethanol or we strip our topsoil everywhere by creating a market for cellulosic ethanol, either way, we loose. The biggest joke is the ethanol vehicles get roughly 27% less gas mileage than their all gas counterparts. Does anyone remember the 1984 Honda civic coupe, it got 67 miles to the gallon without a hybrid engine. It wasn’t rocket science the cars were lighter. Gas is approaching five dollars a gallon and Detroit is re-launching their old line of heavy muscle cars, frankly they deserve to go bankrupt. My question is, what are you going to do? There really are only two valid choices left, step up and be the change you want to see, or just get out of the way. Standing still with business as usual is no longer an option. I am stepping up and I am looking for a few good, committed people that believe you can change the world to work with me. There are 6 key elements to my plan.”

The BIOS Museum
of health and the Environment

The Museum in conjunction with the sponsoring tenants will provide exhibitions, special events, festivals, educational workshops, symposiums, performances, and conferences. These events will often be organized along with neighboring businesses to create awareness for the Center and

"To translate knowledge and information into experience:
that is the function of literature and art." - Joseph Campbell

At The Bios Museum of health and the environment we will create an experience to translate information about the needs of our own personal health, and the well being of the planet, through the use of art, literature and various multi media, and technology displays. The Bios Museum will educate and inspire acceptance and understanding of the different ways in which we can live a healthier life while not taxing the resources of our planet. In addition to the Museum’s exhibit gallery learning space, the Museum will house: a Children’s Space, a Gift Store, and a school group/classroom facility. There will be a designated gallery featuring environmental art as well as displays throughout the building. The space will be filled with original works of art for sale and appreciation. Art will also be available for display and purchase online through The BIOS Center website.

Our Mission: Change the world and leave it a better place for future generations.
While this may seem like a lofty goal we firmly believe there is no better goal than to help people live better, healthier lives today while ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy a better standard of living than we did.

We support balanced living by serving your most basic needs in a uniquely conscious and creative way that can lead to better health and increased happiness for you, your family and your community and, ultimately, a more peaceful planet for this generation and future generations. Our center provides an eco-friendly atmosphere for enlightened businesses to showcase their products, services and wares. Our center is a lively hub for people to meet, greet, retreat; educate, and awaken. Our mission is to nourish body, mind and spirit with healthy food; enriching educational activities; green living and holistic healthcare approaches, and conscious consumerism.

The Bios Building Technology Center will showcase the latest and greatest technologies as well as ancient secrets that have been forgotten over the years that can help you create a greener, healthier life. Office suites for businesses, such as building products and services will also be available on site to assist you with your projects. BIOS invites you to live a better life by living, working and playing in a green environment. BIOS can show you cost effective methods that can achieve your objectives without breaking the bank. BiosBuildingTechnologies.com is a resource designed especially for you -- someone who cares about the environment for the sake of the planet and its future generations as well as for the immediate health and wealth of you and your family today.

We are here to educate you in designing and building the green home or office of your dreams -- a space that is environmentally friendly, affordable and cost-effective in the near and long term. From solar/wind/hydro power to fuel cell and other energy-saving construction technologies, we are committed to sharing our expertise in the latest and greatest in what green building has to offer today. We can educate you and guide you every step of the way throughout your personal green building project. We are green-building experts who are committed to creating a better world for our children by helping people, saving the environment and boosting the economy.

The products that you’ll find in both our store and online are carefully selected with the principles of reducing waste, reusing unwanted or discarded materials, and recycling in mind. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Shopping with the planet in mind can make a big difference in many ways. Collectively, we can reward environmentally responsible practices, discourage waste, help close the recycling loop and reduce the amount of toxic materials entering our bodies and ecosystems. Shop like your life depended on it. Eco friendly and organic products that you will find in our store catalogue and website include; Leisure/Athletic Clothing, Bath and Body Products, Jewelry, Teas, Coffees, Assorted Health Food, Confections, Books, Cards, Crafts, Environmental Artwork.
You can be healthier, save on energy costs, and increase your equity. The Bios Center can show you how to save some green by going green, providing the tools and experience to assist you every step of the way. Steve Schappert is bringing together a group of highly regarded and established real estate and financial services professionals, contracting and design professionals, artists, independent store owners and specialty merchants, dedicated to a greener, healthier life, collectively interacting, networking and conducting business. Sherry Creighton of Flagstar Bank and Infinity financial secured the financing for The Bios Center and will be our preferred in house lender.
"We are now looking for contractors to team up to create the areas most reputable and environmentally sound contracting company providing maintenance, remodeling, new construction and material supplies, for the residential and commercial markets.", said Schappert. BIOS will bring the best companies together and promote them under the BIOS brand, to create a shared pool of knowledge, provide a more stabile working environment, group insurance, profit share and retirement programs, as well as assistance with legal, accounting, marketing and human resources. The service industry is labor intensive and it is often very difficult for small companies to provide long term stability, growth opportunities and benefits for their employees. This creates a hardship for the families of the employees, an almost impossible task for business owners to grow and lower service for customers. Companies will initially maintain their independence and be able to pick and choose from a menu of services. The most important of which will be education about energy and environmental issues that affect their business. "16 contracting companies and a staffing company have joined the network this week and I expect things to fill up quickly" said Schappert.
When asked why, Schappert says, "People ask me why I do what I do, it has been a long hard road, with three years invested in the office design and many personal sacrifices. I firmly believe in my dream, my personal goal in life mirrors my business concept, creating a better world for our children by helping people, saving the environment, and boosting the economy. I am hoping that others that believe in the same concept will step forward and help make it a reality."
Please send this to artists and people interested in the health, wellness and green building technologies

Learn more at http://thebioscenter.com/ our website will go live on Tuesday September 15th.
Contact the founder of The Bios Center,

Steve Schappert
CEO, Connecticut Real Estate and Construction LLC.
Office: 203-546-8127
Cell: 203-994-3950
Fax: 203-413-6473